What Age Do Citrus Trees Produce Fruit?
A lot goes into growing citrus trees that are healthy and productive, so be sure to do your homework before you choose and plant a tree. One of the most important questions you need answered is ‘How old is a citrus tree when it fruits?’ If you aren’t aware of when a tree will begin to produce, you could be really disappointed. Citrus tree fruiting depends on citrus tree maturity, and when exactly a tree will be mature depends on the variety. In general, though, you can expect that your citrus tree will be mature and ready to produce fruit in the second or third year after you plant it. If you are growing a citrus tree from seed, however, which is possible to do, your tree will not be mature and fruiting until at least its fifth year. Size is not necessarily an indication of maturity. Different types of citrus may be different sizes at maturity. For instance, there are standard trees, semi-dwarf, and dwarf trees (the smallest of the citrus), which may only be 4 to 6 feet (1-2 m.) high when it begins to produce fruit.
When Will my Citrus Tree Fruit?
Patience is necessary, especially when growing a citrus tree from seed. Even if you get a tree from a nursery, it is typical to not see any fruit until the third year in your garden. You can ensure you do get a good yield when your tree is ready by using a balanced fertilizer in its first few years in the ground. Also, keep it well watered to ensure good growth; citrus trees do not produce as much fruit in drought conditions. Waiting for citrus tree maturity and to get those first tasty fruits can be maddening, but everything that is worth enjoying is worth waiting for. Take good care of your citrus tree, be patient, and you will soon enjoy the fruits of your labor.