Plant Windows for Growing Plants Indoors
Transforming an existing picture window does involve some construction steps and expense, and it can’t be done in a rental property without permission from your landlord. The ideal thing would be to incorporate a plant window into the construction of a new home. Open plant windows are different from normal plant windows because plants grow in a large box or container that is deeper than a normal windowsill. The container extends the entire breadth of the window. A closed plant window should be located on the west or east side of the house. It should be linked to the electrical and water supply of the house as well. You should have the plant containers built into it. Temperature, ventilation, and humidity should have a way of being regulated. You should have a blind installed on the exterior of the window if it faces south. This will provide shade when needed. Of course, all of this expense is only worth it if the window is large and you have the time to take care of such a costly plant display because this window will need care daily. Remember that if you cannot give this window attention daily, don’t bother going through the expense. Fungi are quick to grow and pests multiply very quickly in this type of environment if it’s not cared for appropriately. On the up side, if you place an epiphyte branch as a decorative element in the closed plant window, you will have an almost perfect rain forest look.