Nierembergia Cupflower Information

Cupflower Nierembergia is native to South America. Although cupflower is generally classified as an annual, it can be grown year round in USDA planting zones 9 through 11. Nierembergia cup flowers work well along a garden path or border, but this lovely little summer bloomer really shines in a container or hanging basket, which allows the flowers and feathery foliage to trail over the side of the container.

Growing Nierembergia Plants

You may find cupflower Nierembergia bedding plants at your local garden center, but the plant is easily grown by seed. Plant seeds outdoors a week or two before the last expected frost in spring, or start them indoors six to eight weeks ahead of time. Germination takes two to four weeks in warm temperatures. Keep in mind that Nierembergia cupflowers require rich, well-drained soil. The plant generally tolerates full sunlight or partial shade. However, if you live in a hot climate, direct afternoon sunlight may be too intense.

Nierembergia Care

Water cupflower Nierembergia regularly to keep the soil moist, but not drenched. A layer of mulch helps keep the roots cool and moist. Fertilize regularly using any general-purpose or time-release fertilizer according to label recommendations. Alternatively, apply a layer of compost or well-rotted animal manure. Deadheading wilted flowers keeps the plant blooming until the first frost. If you live in a warm climate and you’re growing Nierembergia as a perennial, cut the plant to the ground in autumn.

Propagating Nierembergia Cupflowers

Autumn is the best time to take cuttings for propagation of new plants, or you can save a few dried seedpods to plant the following spring. Perennial plants can be divided in spring.

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